- Our next event is a Nature Afternoon for children in School Years 3 to 6
- The event runs in Abbey Fields from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm on Saturday, 25th May 2024
- Cost is £12 per child
- Kenilworth Lions and Friends of Abbey Fields have subsidised the cost of the event
The session will be packed with exploration, knowledge building, creative activities and fun, set in the beautiful backdrop of Abbey Fields and delivered by Jo Harper, who has a wealth of experience in nature and conservation education.
Download an A4 flier for your noticeboard and help us spread the word!
Spaces are limited, so please apply early to avoid disappointment!

The meeting place for the event is the Basement Snug, 13 High St, Kenilworth CV8 1LY. An easy way to get there is to park near the top of St Nicholas car park in Abbey Fields, and walk on the path right round the church, then past the five-bar gate, and turn immediately right towards the Art Studio. The Snug is on the left. Take care on the steps down to the Snug.
Parents/guardians will drop children off at the door, where they will sign their child in and leave an up-to-date contact number and the name and number of the person collecting. Parents will not be allowed into the Snug itself. For collection, they should again wait outside the door, and their child will be brought to them and signed out. Please note that we cannot release a child to anyone not listed as the person collecting the child. Please ensure that you collect your child at the appointed time.
In the event of contagious illness, including sickness and diarrhoea, please do not bring your child. In this event, please ring 07843 174248 to let us know that your child is unwell and not able to attend. We will endeavour to transfer them to a future date, if possible.
Please arrange for your child to wear appropriate clothing and footwear for the day – it may be wet and muddy! A pair of indoor shoes may be useful so that outdoor shoes can be left at the door. Please ensure that coats and shoes are named.
Bring a drink or drinking bottle. The Snug has a small kitchen, fridge, and toilet facilities.
Please take time to read our Health and Safety policy, including Safeguarding and Risk Assessments to reassure yourself of our commitment to the safety of those in attendance.
Application and Confirmation
After your application form and payment have been received, we will send a confirmation of your reservation.
A bank payment of £12.00 should be made to:
- Name: Friends of Abbey Fields
- Account: 81330209
- Sort code: 40-26-04
- Please use your last name as the payment reference
A separate application form should be completed for each child.