On Wednesday, 14 March 2019, Jon Holmes (Green Space Development Officer for Warwick District/Abbey Fields) and Roy Thornton, the leader of the tree planting team of idverde, Warwick District Council’s grounds maintenance contractors with Bart Bartmanis and Rachael of Friends of Abbey Fields worked together to plant a Hawthorn Tree (Crataegus x Prunifolia) to replace one that had been removed in the past. English Heritage who have a special interest in Abbey Fields, because of its historical interest, have dictated that trees can only be planted to replace ones which have gone and the new ones must be planted in the exact location of the original tree. The tree, which was paid for by Friends of Abbey Fields was supplied by Warwick District Council.
The Hawthorn Tree (Crataegus ‘Prunifolia) is an attractive, small tree with rich brown bark. It has broad, dark green oval leaves with small white flowers in the spring and lovely clusters of crimson fruits in the autumn. The shrub has a good orange and yellow autumn colour.